We understand the time and financial constraints that exist in today’s marketplace and offer clients a range of capabilities that provides substantive presentation design and support with only pleasant surprises.
Presentation Design
We employ our highly developed methodology and design skill to create visually rich, engaging presentations.
Dynamically show detailed events and long-term trends, helping to support evidence and clarify key event sequences.
Interactive Tutorials
Help you teach the case simply, clearly, and memorably to judges and juries — interactivity lets you control the pace and emphasis.
3D Animations
Help make the complex, difficult-to-visualize elements of your case clear and visually compelling. Using 3D animation to transition view perspective helps jurors maintain perspective and reduces cognitive load.
Graphic Boards
Our expert designers create compelling, memorable presentation graphics using proven instructional and graphic design principles.
Trial Support
Our trial support team will help you manage all your trial related materials, displaying your evidence and demonstratives, so you can focus on what you do best, being a great lawyer.